0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

TechNITi’ 2016

The Annual Technical Fest of Dr. B.R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology

Techville Exhibition (21st Oct to 23rd Oct, 2016)

20 students participated in the events under the following four themes with working models:

  1. Environment Issues
  2. Life & Sciences in Human Welfare
  3. Alternative Energy
  4. Environmental Conversation

Model-Thanda Garam under theme-1 grabbed second prize in the exhibition. Students were aarded with the winning certificates, gift hampers and cash prize of rupees 15000/-

Student participated were:-

Student NameClass
Abdul RehmanIX
Arrnav ManhasIX
Vaibhav GuptaX
Summit Duggal


•11th January 2025 (2nd Saturday), will be a working day.
This is in lieu of Monday, 13th January 2025, which will be a holiday.
•Tuesday,14th January 2025: Holiday on account of Makar Sankranti.
•Regular classes will resume on Wednesday15th January 2025.
