0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

SKMV Crowns Martinet Team 2017-18

Sanskriti KMV School held the Investiture Ceremony for the session 2017-18. Mrs Rachna Monga, Principal, designated the School Martinet team. Rajveer Kaur and Naman Aryan of grade XII, were appointed as Head Girl and Head Boy. Students were also appointed for House Captains, Sports Captain, Students’ Counselor, Activity Captains and Students’ Welfare Captain.

On this moment of paramount importance, the team took the oath to shoulder the responsibility, perform diligently and stand as role models for the school students. Mrs Rachna Monga, Principal, in her address congratulated the school martinet squad . Bestowing on them the best wishes from the school, she mentioned that duty deliverance is the important learning session in the student’s life, as a base for the firm personality and be the role model for young generation.


•11th January 2025 (2nd Saturday), will be a working day.
This is in lieu of Monday, 13th January 2025, which will be a holiday.
•Tuesday,14th January 2025: Holiday on account of Makar Sankranti.
•Regular classes will resume on Wednesday15th January 2025.
