SANSKRITI KMV SCHOOL observed the International Yoga Day with much enthusiasm in spirit and action with a message of “Yoga at Home, Yoga with Family. Taking care of all precautionary measures against COVID 19, all members of Sanskriti KMV School joined for live Yoga session with Mrs Rachna Monga, Principal.
In her message she, mentioned that despite of our busy schedules, physical fitness should always be the priority for all and YOGA is the best way to keep oneself physically and psychologically strong especially in the challenging situation of present times. It is indeed the need of an hour that we all must be more alert for the upkeep of our health as the healthy body is the abode of healthy mind.
Students and parents also participated in the online mass yoga national campaign.
School has been streaming online yoga session eversince the COVID19 lock down began with an aim to keep all on a mode of good health.
The mass online Yoga Session on 21st June had been very successfully organised by SKMV Sports Department with a trained Yoga Coach and the efficient working of IT officials, under the able headship of Mrs Rachna Monga, Principal.