0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

International Labour Day- 2021

Its a May Day today. As an International Labour Day 2021, it is dedicated to workers and labourers across the world. May Day celebrates labourers and encourages them to be aware of their rights.Sanskriti KMV School students give their share of honour and gratitude to all the professions, services and frontline workers who make our life resourceful, safe and accelerated.Huge appreciation to their genuine thought!


From 13th February 2025, the school timings for all the classes have been revised.
Revised Timings:
 Pre-primary, IX, XI & XII-9:00 am to 12:40 pm
 I to VIII & X – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
