0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

Global Day of Parents-2021

“Next to God, thy parents.’Sanskriti KMV School brings a bouquet of gratitude to all the parents on this day of June 1, 2021, Global Day of Parents. This year’s theme for Global Day of Parents is “Appreciate all parents throughout the world.”It is dedicated to all the parents throughout the world who continue to provide financial, mental, emotional, and basic support to their children despite any challenges that circumstances pose for them.Huge respect to all the strong souls on earth, as Parents.


From 13th February 2025, the school timings for all the classes have been revised.
Revised Timings:
 Pre-primary, IX, XI & XII-9:00 am to 12:40 pm
 I to VIII & X – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
