0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

Career Counseling Program, 2021

Sanskriti KMV School held an awareness program for Grade 9 and 11 towards understanding Career Avenues. Students were guided for prospective fields in relation to the subject streams. Many unique information platforms were highlighted for the students to research upon their career interest and goals. At the same time they were also motivated towards keeping their concepts clear and stronger for appearing and cracking any competitive exams to get into the higher studies after Senior Secondary schooling.


•11th January 2025 (2nd Saturday), will be a working day.
This is in lieu of Monday, 13th January 2025, which will be a holiday.
•Tuesday,14th January 2025: Holiday on account of Makar Sankranti.
•Regular classes will resume on Wednesday15th January 2025.
