0181-2491741, 2491941, 2491945 Sanskriti KMV School KMV Campus, Vidyalaya Marg, Jalandhar

Parent Counsel

Recommendation for Parents

For effective education it is necessary that the school receives full co-operation from the parents in giving to the students : Refinement of habits, Diligence in studies and Integrity of character. Even at home, guidance, encouragement and opportunity should be constantly provided for healthy psychological growth.

  1.  Please go through the planner, as it has information about the school, its programmes/ activities, holidays, dress rules and is a vital link between the school and home.
  2.  Parents/Guardians are expected to co-operate in enforcing regularity and discipline by seeing that the children prepare their lessons and do their homework.
  3.  Parents/ Guardians are particularly requested to sign the Principal’s/ Teacher’s remarks in the diary after reading them. The school disclaims all responsibility if the remarks are not signed.
  4. Parents must attend all Parent-Teacher Meetings, Special Counselling sessions, Educational workshops, Seminars and Exhibitions. School keeps record of parents visit on such occasions.
  5. Be available, if it is necessary to discuss aspects of your child’s behaviour and development in school. Listen and consider the Teacher’s opinion regarding your ward, even when the opinion may be less complimentary.
  6.  Any student who is suffering from any infectious ailment like Mumps, Measles, Chickenpox or conjunctivitis is to join the school only with a doctor’s fitness certificate.
  7. Parents/Guardians or visitors are not permitted to see the students or teachers during the school hours without prior permission from the Principal. They will, however, not visit their wards or teachers in the class/ staff rooms under any circumstances.
  8. In case of any change in the residential address or phone no. It should be brought to the notice of the class teacher immediately.
  9. Parents must promote good and healthy habits in their wards, viz-a-viz cleanliness.
  10.  Lunch boxes sent during the break should be left at the specified place, with the name and class tag.
  11. Criticism of the school or teachers in the presence of students should be avoided as it adversely affects the discipline and it leads to disrespect.
  12. Parents must not send any Birthday gift packs for the ward’s classmates and teachers. Only candies may  be brought.
  13. The Principal has the full authority to issue Transfer Certificate to a student who is found violating school rules or, even, if parents indulge in activities detrimental to the smooth running of the school.
  14. As the medium of instruction in the school is English, students should be helped to follow their work easily and intelligently through regular conversation in English at home. It is compulsory for the students to speak in English to improve their expressions and fluency.
  15.  It is an appeal to the parents, that they must respect school policies and constitution, as we prepare & expect our students to do the same. Parents’ disrespect and dissatisfactions for the school waves wrong message to the students. In such a case school will reserve the right to take desired action for the welfare of the school.
  16. School provides special Academic Support through its Academic Council for specific students who needs to be upgraded. Parents must avail such support  on intimation from school.
  17.  Parents must ensure that their ward must not bring any gadget, camera, mobile, ornament, any sharp object or any weapon to school. Any such offence will call for confiscation and strict action.
  18. Parents must  give healthy food items to their ward and avoid regular meal  of only chapatti, pickle and jam. Children must be encouraged for fruits and vegetables. Regular purchase from school canteen must be strictly avoided. Parents must discourage the children from consuming candies or junk food.
  19. Parents/Guardians are very firmly communicated to spend quality time with their wards. They must know about their wards choices and preferences, strengths and weakness, interest and fears. Child as well as the parents must share relevantly at the right time with the school for any issues related to their ward.
  20. Parents must ensure to attend all the PTMs announced by the school. Ward must accompany the parents during the PTM in school uniform only.
  21. Parents must carry school almanac of their ward while visiting school for the PTM or any specific visit when called to school.
  22. In case of students coming through self conveyance parents must ensure that their ward must reach to school in time. Late arrival students will not be given entry to school.
  23.  Parents must ensure the authenticity of the records given to school, school will not be responsible in case of wrong inputs of name, address or any other data.
  24. In context to school transport, parents must note that Single Side School Transport is not available. Once registered for school bus, Student must avail school transport. In case of any special circumstances,  parents must inform school in writing for the particular day when their ward is unable to commute by bus.
  25. Parents are not allowed to interfere with the school administration in any way. In case of any problem they can discuss the same with the Principal. They are welcome to register their suggestions in the Suggestion Register on Parent Teacher Meet.

Discipline, trust and balanced communication is another pillar that parents must add to the thoughtful structuring of educated generation.


  1. Parents desiring to use the school transport may apply for the same in the school office. Bus fares has to be paid along with the fee.
  2. In case of emergency such as following, school will not be able to run the bus
    • Sudden breakdown of the vehicle.
    • Sudden sickness of the driver.
    • Shortage of Diesel on the pumps.
  3. School will be taking all precautions against any risk but in case of any mishap, the school will not be held responsible.
  4. The bus/van will move on its allotted route. Children will be picked up from and dropped at allotted stops.
  5. Bus/Van time table will be strictly followed. In case of any delay (more than half an hour) parents may make enquiries on the given school telephone numbers.


  1. Students grade VI onwards may come on bicycle.
  2. Students of XI & XII are allowed to come on scooter / bike only if they have valid driving licence.
  3. Helmet is compulsory for the students coming by scooty, activa or motorbike.
  4. Cars are not allowed to students.
  5. Students availing school Bus transport must commute by bus only. Bus students are not allowed to move out of the campus during Commutation hours.
  6. Parents must drop their ward in time to board school bus and students must reach to their respective bus in time while departure.
  7. Do not argue or disrespect the conductors and family staff.
  8. Sit down in the seat allotted to you.
  9. If any student repeatedly break the bus rules and then that student in particular will be debarred from availing the school transport.


As an important part of school discipline and students’ safety, school affirms all the parents and students to follow school gate pass policy as given under:

  1. Parents must carry their parent l-card each time they visit school.
  2. In case parents need to collect their ward during the school hours they must register their request for gate pass, on the office contact no. 6283284179 by sending message stating- Student’s name, Class, reason and parent’s name. Request Message must be sent before 10:00 am for the current day.
  3. No gate pass will be allowed before 11:00 am and after 12:30 noon.
  4. Parents must avoid taking their ward just prior to the full break time, except in case of any medical requirement.
  5. During the Unit Test/Term Exam schedule, no gate pass will be issued during the day.
  6. Students availing school bus facility must commute by bus only. No on- the spot request to go other than school bus transport will be accepted, until and unless student has a preapproved request from parents sanctioned by the school head.
  7. In case, any parent need to self pick their ward registered for school bus during departure, Gate Pass is must.
  8. Parents cooperation is must in this regard, for efficient implementation of the rules.


From 13th February 2025, the school timings for all the classes have been revised.
Revised Timings:
 Pre-primary, IX, XI & XII-9:00 am to 12:40 pm
 I to VIII & X – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
